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Adapted Content

Based on the IMS AccessForAll and ISO 24751 standards, the Adapted Content utility allows authors to enhance their content with alternative formats. Alternative formats can be used to replace or supplement content for people with disabilities who may not be able to access the original version, or it can be used to supplement the original content by including the same content in multi-modal forms, allowing learners to experience the content through multiple senses.

Define Alternatives for Original Content

Down the left of the Adapted Content screen is displayed a list of files found in the original content, such as audio files, videos, images, documents etc. for which adapted forms can be defined. To the right alternatives can be defined.

Original Resources
Along the left side of the Adapted Content panel in the content editor will appear a list of files linked into the original content, referred to as Original Resources. For each, define the Resource Type by selecting the appropriate check box(es) (Auditory, Textual, or Visual). To add an alternate format for a particular original resource, click the Add buttons next to each listed resource, then press the Use As Alternative button next to available files in the popup File Manager to associate the file as an alternative resource.
To remove an adapted resource, click the Delete icon next to the filename of the adapted resource. This removes the association between the original and alternative resources, but does not delete the actual files. Click on the Alter icon next to an alternative to make changes. Click on a filename to preview a resource.

Remote Content

It is also possible to use remote content, such as YouTube videos, and to associate either local content, present in the course's File Manager, or remote content, such as another YouTube video, as alternatives. Local and remote content can be mixed, such as a local original resource, and remote alternatives, or visa versa.

See the Edit Content for information about using the content editor.

See Import/Export Content for information about including adapted content in exported content packages or common cartridges.

See Preferences for information about user content preference settings.

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Next Chapter: Accessibility
$LastChangedDate: 2006-06-29 11:25:07 -0400 (Thu, 29 Jun 2006) $
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