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Update ATutor Marks
- Update ATutor Marks
- Marks are imported from ATutor tests, rather than displaying them live from the Test & Surveys Manager. Therefore, when marks are updated in the Test & Surveys Manager, the Gradebook needs to be updated to reimport the modified marks. You may choose to update all ATutor tests at once, or choose only to update a single test at a time. Or, you may choose to update only marks for a single student, on all test or a single test. Note that instructors' grades, produced when an instructor takes a test, are not included when marks are updated.
- Combine ATutor Tests
- Different ATutor generated tests can be combined into a single gradebook entry, if for instance you needed to combine marks from a term test, and marks from a make up test for students who happened to miss the term test. As many tests as required can be combined into a single parent test listed in the Combine Into menu. Select the test to be combined from the Combined From select menu, then press the Combine button to import the marks from that test. Be sure to run Update ATutor Marks on the Combined Into test at least once before combining marks from other tests. When combining marks from multiple tests, should you encounter a conflict such as a mark that already exists for a particular student, you will be given the option to overwrite the old mark with the new one, use the old mark, use the higher mark, or use the lower mark.
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